HOW TO : Track Performance TV

At GladToBe, we can leverage advanced tracking technologies to measure and optimize performance TV campaigns, ensuring our clients feel secure about sharing their data and trusting the reported values. We are flexible in working with various established tracking/attribution providers such as Innovid (tvsquared), Attributy, XAD Spoteffects, Realytics, always with the aim to provide the best

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Workations & Remote Work: Enhancing Employee Well-being

We’ve returned from our team trip in Mallorca, prompting us to reflect on this enriching experience and its significance for GLADTOBE. What are the benefits of such workations? Let’s explore. Our Belief: Freedom and Work-Life Balance At GLADTOBE, we prioritize freedom and work-life balance. While many companies have adopted remote work post-pandemic, we’ve always been

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Behind the Scenes: Crafting Immoscout24’s Integrated Campaign

Ever wondered how a massive campaign comes to life? Let’s take a peek behind the scenes at GLADTOBE’s work with Immoscout24. The campaign was a complex, multi-faceted effort, driven by the passion and creativity of the GLADTOBE team. Over 400 assets were created, bringing together guerrilla marketing, offline and online integration, and innovative storytelling.  Here’s

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How To: Performance TV Advertising

Performance TV advertising makes good use of TV’s wide reach to drive measurable business outcomes, similar to digital marketing (same same, but different).  This guide, which was derived from the E-Commerce, Why Not?! podcast hosted by Romy Riffel und Johannes Kliesch together with our COO, Andreas Peltret, covers essential steps and strategies for launching an

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A Simple Guide to Performance TV for E-commerce Brands

As young e-commerce brands, you’ve likely tapped into the power of digital marketing channels like Meta, Instagram, TikTok, Influencers, and Google. These platforms have been great for reaching your initial customer segments and driving growth. However, there comes a point where these channels hit a saturation point—usually signaled by increased CPMs and CACs nearly doubling

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How TV Advertising Powers Up E-commerce Marketing (Part 2)

In Part 1 of our series, we explored the general principles of TV advertising effectiveness. For Part 2, we’re excited to share insights from three industry experts: Cristian (VP Media), Kathrina (Head of Offline Marketing), and Kristina (International Media Consultant). These experts will delve into what effectiveness means to them, how to achieve it with

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Eric’s 100 days at gladtobe

Eric joined the GLADTOBE team back in January. Today, it’s time to look back at his first 100 Days and his new journey as a VP Marketing & Consulting.  What’s Your biggest Learning of the past 100 Days? New work environments spark new opportunities, and great people inspire new curiosities. There’s never a dull day

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How TV Advertising Powers Up E-commerce Marketing

TL;DR: TV + Digital = Marketing Success Integrating TV advertising to digital media activities can boost e-commerce marketing, reaching wider audiences and eventually drive sales. Despite the growing focus on digital, TV remains essential for building brand visibility, product/service credibility and boost performance on other complimentary channels. Studies show TV ads account for 62% of

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2024 Trends

An easy Recap Welcome to 2024, a year where the lines between the digital and physical worlds blur more than ever. Here at GLADTOBE, we understand that today’s marketing is no longer a one-way street. It’s an intricate play of technology and creativity, where online and offline experiences seamlessly intertwine. Your brand’s journey through this

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